Maria, founder and CEO of PurHeart, previously found herself in front of a doctor’s assistant offering her a surgical glove filled with ice as an ice-pack treatment. There has to be a better way, she thought, and went on a journey to find an all-natural, patient-centered solution for pain relief and ice packs. After much research and development, Maria finally brought her vision of PurHeart’s Gel Packs to life.
She recently just left career of 20 years in software development for this exciting new opportunity to pivot into the medical field. In her last ten years, she was given the opportunity to work with Doctors, Nurses, and Clinical teams behind the scenes, building and ensuring all the medical workflow system applications were flowing perfectly for them and their patients.
PurHeart’s Gel Packs are perfect for those looking for an all-natural, patient-centered solution to pain relief. Made with love and intention, our gel packs are designed to flexibly and comfortably fit every part of your body. Whether you’re suffering from an injury, chronic pain, or need some relief, our gel packs are a modern treatment solution for all.

Keeping your heart pure is worthwhile for a good life on earth, and will benefit you for all eternity. Nothing can be achieved without knowledge and yet everything can be achieved just through a pure heart.
In 1995, Maria visited her county, who conveyed to her that she had a Pure Heart and a soul from the Golden Era Soul. This revelation inspired her deep interest in Egyptian mythology. Once again, it was confirmed her Pure Heart in 2022, it affirmed Maria’s certainty that her call and purpose in life is to heal others in need.
With her lifelong fascination with Egyptian mythology, Maria was inspired by the belief that the heart is the center of a person’s being. This philosophy is at the core of everything we do here at PurHeart. With pure hearts and the intention to help others, we strive to provide exceptional ice and heat treatments that improve our patients’ quality of life.